
Rostain is a concrete coloring acid that penetrates and reacts on the surface of existing concrete.  The result is a concrete surface resembling marble, stone, granite or tile.

Rostain will help recreate an atmosphere of elegance and comfort for your home or commercial property.

Rostain rewards your individuality and creativity by producing natural earth tones such as browns, ochers, rust or sea shades of green or blue.



Rostain Rotec
For horizontal and vertical concrete such as floors, walls, columns, benches, kitchen and/or bathroom countertops. It can be applied in interiors or exteriors.

  • An economical alternative to give coloration and natural stone appearance to concrete.
  • Whimsical designs and shapes can be created without waste.
  • High durability, as Rostain penetrates the surface of the concrete, so the color does not fade with wear and tear over time, as long as it has been protected with a high traffic resistant sealer. Resistant to water.
  • It is quick to apply on site.
Avoid contact of Rostain with eyes and skin; always wear protective clothing, goggles, mask and gloves. In case of contact with the skin, rinse the affected area with a 5 g solution of sodium bicarbonate diluted in one liter of water.

1 gallon plastic container, which aids in proper handling.

Approximately 40 m² per gallon.
Rostain Carta Rotec
  • Cancún
  • Madera
  • Eclipse
  • Rio Verde
  • Sonora
  • Sunset
  • Summer
  • Tobacco
Rostain Guía Rotec
Surface inspection and preparation:
Remove any foreign matter from the surface such as sealers, coatings, paints, adhesives or dirt before installation because these items or any other type of dirt or grime will not allow Rostain to to act properly on the surface to be treated. Do not use bleach or acid. Using Sandblast or devastate may be an acceptable solution when the grime is immovable. Protect the edges that are not to be touched by Rostain with protective tape or plastic strips. Rostain can be applied at least 14 days after the surface has set.

Be sure to wear gloves and glasses for application. You can use a disc polisher to devastate concrete or diamond disc to design various patterns, borders or designs on the surface. The surface should be dry and free of concrete dust. You can also use brush or sponge for more uniform colors. Fill a sprayer or pump sprayer with Rostain. Apply Rostain over the surface in circles while brushing in the same manner. It is possible to apply another color on the second coat. Do not let the sprayer drip on the surface as this may cause undesirable staining. Allow Rostain to dry for a few hours. Due to the reaction of Rostain with concrete, powdery residue will be produced, remove with a damp mop. Apply a second coat if required. Allow the second coat to dry dry for 24 hours before applying the sealer.

If the surface does not finish reacting and presents an oily layer, mix 1/2 cup of baking soda per gallon of water. Scrub the entire surface with this solution and finally remove the residue with water. Allow the surface to dry completely before applying the sealer.  

Applying Rotec Clear Sealer:
Apply Rotec Clear Sealer with an industrial roller. Apply one coat and allow it to dry, it needs to be completely dry before applying the second coat. The sealer will protect Rostain and keep the surface clean.

Rostain will not repair any structural problems, nor will it hide any cracks, holes or voids that exist in the surface you are applying it to. Every job you do with Rostain will have variations in color reaction so you will always get a very unique job.