Polyfibra it is a multifilamentous fiber made of 100% virgin polypropylene. Designed as secondary reinforcement in concrete and mortars. Specified to reduce cracking due to plastic contraction in the fresh state of the concrete and due to temperature in its hardened state.
Specified to reduce cracking due to plastic contraction in the fresh state of the concrete and due to temperature in its hardened state.
In plastic concrete:
- Reduces shrinkage cracking.
- Reduces segregation.
- Reduces bleeding water.
- Provides three-dimensional reinforcement.
- Reduces temperature cracking.
- Reduces permeability.
- Increases bending resistance.
- Increases resistance to direct tension.
- Increases resistance to cutting and torsion.
- Increases impact resistance.
- Quick and easy placement because it is mixed with concrete.
- Allows very quick demolding.
- A clean and polished surface is achieved.
Polypropylene material 100% virgin
Fiber length 19mm (¾”)
Denier 3
Fiber type Multifilaments
Specific gravity 0.9
Color Natural
Absorption Zero
Tensile strength 5,626 kg/cm2
Modulus of elasticity 38,690 kg/ cm2
Ignition point 590ºC
Melting point 160ºC – 163ºC
Thermal conductivity Low
Electric conductivity Low
Salinity resistance High
Acid resistance High
Polyfibra Rotec is mixed with concrete directly at the plant or on site.
Mixing time: 3 to 5 minutes at maximum speed
Performance: 600 gr for 1 cubic meter of concrete.
Polyfibra Rotec, meets all quality standards.
We guarantee our product against manufacturing defects, but not for problems in application and final use.